Spring Break Progress
While all you lazy fuckers were getting drunk and partying, I was hard at work. Taking advantage of the fact that my dad runs the metalshop at his work, we went in and used all the tools and got a bunch of work done.
I'd like to say that my dad is a huge badass. Here he is using the hand-held bandsaw (you didn't even know that that was a thing). It was great to work with him, his sense of craftmanship has always been a big inspiration to me.
In the end, we made all seven brackets that I need, and I feel they came out really well. As usual, check out Flickr for more photos.
Also, I'm taking down the link for the show proposal PDF. That's the one place where I've really explained what the whole piece is about. It's been available all along, but no one seems to know what it is I'm doing. Well, now you'll just have to be surprised at the show like everyone else.