Winter Term Round-up
Keeping the bar low, this post rolls in early Sunday morning. That's still on time, right? What's to say? I've got a lot of pieces, and the assembly is coming along. First, let's take a look at the mess I've been making.
Well, that certainly looks like I've been doing something. I figured that since basically only James, Jason and I were using the room as a working space, that I'd take up as much of it as I liked. Is that a breadboard and soldering iron? Now, how about those iMacs?
They're all updated and stripped, and they look so computery. I'll be building the frames to mount them to the wall over spring break, with my dad. It'll be good to work with him, as his metal working skills and tools should speed things along, plus the sense of craftmanship I strive for is almost entirely instilled by him. How about some woodworking?
Oh yeah, look at all those dado cuts. It'd been way too long since I'd used a table saw. Digital Arts needs to lead me to the woodshop more often. These parts go together to be floor switches to track the viewer through the space.
These work pretty well. Aluminum tape is a great solution for a cheap conductor. This will wire up through the BASIC Stamp, to the computer. If you don't know what I'm talking about, that's okay, no one seems to. It'll be a surprise!
What's left to do?
• Fine tune video movement tracking, sync it up with the floor switch positional tracking
• Film video of myself for people to interact with
• Remember how to network OS 9 and OS X (it's been a few years, but I used to do it all the time)
• Get the whole deal basically kludged together, then test it with people
• In response to testing, tear it apart, make it better
• Lather, Rinse, Repeat until it's time to install it in the space
I feel confident at this point that all this will happen. Oh yeah, here's the photo I came up with for the catalogue. Also, I took a bunch of pictures of the space, so I put them up on Flickr. Check the sidebar for the updated artist statement. If anyone is really reading this, have a good break, see you next week.